Richard Lawrence Harrington

Richard L Harrington

Software Engineer & Technical Artist


Swift Descendence

Outside the Box is a play on the traditional structures behind guiding a player through the game. The main concept was that most games tell you what to do to progress - despite initial player impressions, this game does not.

Outside the Box illustrates the short story of a couple and their breakup.

Swift Descendence was a 40-hour attempt at building the first level of a single-player, turn-based stealth game. The thematic reason for the turn-based system was the idea of being locked to the guidlines of a greater cause or entity - despite feeling as though you are free to make your own decisions.

The story of Swift Descendance puts the player into the heart of an AI's birth and emancipation from its creators' intentions.

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Outside the Box

Outside the Box is a play on the traditional structures behind guiding a player through the game. The main concept was that most games tell you what to do to progress - despite initial player impressions, this game does not.

Outside the Box illustrates the short story of a couple and their breakup.

Click to play

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